# The Brand Story

It all started back in November 2015, when Mamikos was established as a technology company in Yogyakarta. Then our journey begins by becoming the red lines between anak kos and the kos owners. To simplify all the hesitation that makes looking up kos-kosan easier, friendly, and honest. Therefore at Mamikos, the owners could easily and freely upload and advertise their kos-kosan while the anak kos as the kos-seekers could choose any suitable rumah kos for them to stay and live.

Nowadays Mamikos is an App that offers an end-to-end, a complete solution for managing kos, and a complete choice for kos-seekers or a one-stop solution for kos-kosan in Indonesia.

With more than 6 million active users each month and more than 2 million room listings, Mamikos is a pioneer and the top choice for kos owners and tenants.

Mamikos is the number 1 kos app in Indonesia.

# The Brand Manifesto

Through a clear vision and mission, we hope you are able to get to know us better. This is what guides us to keep going and growing.

# Brand Vision

Upscaling kos industry in Indonesia.

# Brand Mission

Making Mamikos comprehensive solution for kos management and kos rent matters

# Slogan

Slogan is statement, well in our case it’s a bold statement, it is what distinguishes us from others. It’s a statement that Mamikos has been chosen and trusted by many.

Aplikasi Kos No.1 di Indonesia

Mamikos default logo

Our Mami is a representation of a mother in kos. Inspired by the care and perseverance figure that we represent as mother.

Download Logo

# Logo Elements

Mamikos logo is a combination of two elements. These two elements are often inseparable, except for an app icon then we use Mami icon.

Mamikos logo icon

Mamikos logo text

# Icon

While the icon can exist without the wordmark, the wordmark should never exist without the icon.

Mamikos icon putih Mamikos icon hijau Mamikos icon gelap Mamikos icon orange

# Logo Variations

A brand logo travels places, from mobile app to bill boards, brochure, TVC, etc. Every medium offers a unique challenge in communication and consistency, which creates a need for logo variations.

# Icon

It’s a picture worth a thousand words.

Mamikos logo variant icon

# Horizontal

Used at anytime and any medium when icon and wordmark appear in pairs

Mamikos logo variant horizontal

# Logo Misuse

It's important to pay attention to the consistency of the logo's appearance. It is forbidden to add, change or modify the logo of the Mamikos. There are no exceptions.

Mamikos logo misuse

# Safe Area and Logo Appearance

As with all matters of heart, our logo needs its space. When the logo is placed against other visual elements, the minimum safe area provides a breathing space for the logo. This maintains a visual emphasis essential for brand identity.

The logo and the icon’s exclusion zone is equal to half the height of the icon (marked as × in the diagram)

Mamikos logo text exclusion Mamikos logo icon exclusion

# The Colors of Mamikos

Mamikos main color is always green, and our premium/secondary color is orange. While we can (And we would) using other colors for optimization and accessibility, our resting color is always green.

Mamikos main colors

Mamikos secondary colors

Mamikos dark colors

Mamikos gradient colors

Mamikos canvas colors

# Brand Typeface 1

A place to introduce the brand values of Mamikos and typography. The importance of readability, clarity and presentation.

Mamikos typography kos sans

Mamikos typography kos sans sample

# Brand Typeface 2

A place to introduce the brand values of Mamikos and typography. The importance of readability, clarity and presentation.

Mamikos typography lato

Mamikos typography lato sample

# Signature Shape

Ours is inspired by a window.

It’s a thing we open when we want to get fresh air, it’s also a place to wander and thinking of an idea, or thinking of someone special.

Windows gives us the opportunity to see the beauty of the outside world without having to travel

We wanted to immortalize that precious moment into our signature shape.

Mamikos signature shape

# Compositions

A brand iconic shape should be inspired by the objects that are always there in its daily business. Ours is inspired by a window

There’s always a window in kos, and a window in kos is not just a window. It’s a thing we open when we want to get fresh air, it’s also a place to wander and thinking of an idea, or thinking of someone special, or staring at the rain.

We wanted to immortalize that precious moment into our signature shape

Placement of image and copy
We wanted to make it flexible that whether it’s the copy or the image that put inside the “window”. Its flexibility very much needed to overcome a wide range of visual needs.


Mamikos composition vertical 1 Mamikos composition vertical 2


Mamikos composition horizontal 1 Mamikos composition horizontal 2

# Mamikos Logo Portion and Appearance

Single Partnership

Mamikos single partnership 1 Mamikos single partnership 2

Multiple Partnership

Mamikos multiple partnership